
SEO Service

Search Engine Optimisation

Get found in Google and Google maps

An awesome website is useless if nobody ever sees it

SEO & DiGiHUB360

Search Engine Optimisaton and Pay Per Click marketing are the core servicecs of DiGiHUB 360. Through years of experience working on business sites, blogging sites and working as an agency and in house looking after SEO, we have lived, learned and continue to grow and evolve to stay relevant and ahead of the game. Search engines like google are constantly changing the goalposts and we strive to kick goals the right way to win.


We provide SEO in Adelaide and throughout Australia. Search engine optimisation is one of our primary services but what does all this mean?

For businesses today, whether by design or by chance, a good source business comes from the internet. As big a brand or as well known as they may be in their own local community, we have heard many say ‘those guys are only a little 3 man operation’ or ‘why should they be ranking well when I’m such a big business?’. Well, the truth is they are most likely either focusing efforts on their websites SEO or maybe they’re just doing it right and ticking the boxes without even knowing it. This is where we come in. We manage and constantly take action to improve your website (onsite and offsite) to give search engines every reason to want to show you to your customers. 

Our approach

The SEO Playbook

SEO is like running a marathon. Optimising for search engines made up of many components and it never stops evolving. The key is to implement best practices, keep doing what you do, but do it better. 


Determine what works, what doesn't, what needs to be improved.


Implement the strategy in a methodic and measurable manner.


No two websites are the same. Always test, rince and repeat for best results.

Volutpat commodo at dictum amet tincidunt facilisis id lorem eu vitae cursus auctor laoreet fermentum adipiscing.
Matthew Johnson

what you get

our SEO Management includes



Standard or customised reporting of your seo campaigns depending on your needs. 



From first click to the form submission, online chat or email, we’ll track conversion points. We can even help you set up call tracking.

[Dev Work]


If necessary our development team can implement changes to implement changes to enhance UX at a reduced rate for our clients.



We are here to get your feedback and to answer any questions you might have about your campaign. 



We will continue to improve, monitor and manage on site pages and technical aspects of your website



We start with a citation audit and a link audit and create new business listings while monitoring your backlink profile. 

Search Engine Optimization [SEO] and the internet

Search Engine Optimization [SEO] and the internet

The simple explanation about how SEO works for the everyday person. A Search Engine (i.e. Google, Bing, Yahoo etc.) is used by millions of people every day all over the world for a what can be summarized as a few main reasons:

  • Information – To find out more information about something and gather facts and information.
  • Shopping – Whether it be a service or a product, people use the internet to either buy online or to find a place to contact to make that purchase.
  • Leisure – People use the internet to kill time or to find things to keep themselves entertained.

What it means is your business is almost 100% going to fit in one of these categories as to why you exist. When people search the internet a search engines job is to give what it believes is the best result possible. For example, if you had a burst pipe and water was leaking everywhere, you jumped on your phone and googled for a plumber and the main results were electricians or news on oil leaks in the ocean, you probably wouldn’t be impressed at all.

A search engine’s result is what gives it it’s credibility and over time the big ones we know now are the ones that have more consistently got it right. They don’t get it right by simply listing things as they come up. They get it right by keeping up to date with what’s out there, current information, new sites vs old websites, understanding relevance to the search query and this is achieved by constantly improving.

seo - it starts with a ripple

But what does this mean and why does my business need to consider SEO services?

You may have the best information or the most relevant information for someones inquiry but for a number of reasons the Search Engine Results Page (SERPs) may not rank you well or not rank you at all. Optimizing for search engines means that your website, that particular webpage, your content, the way your content is structured is optimized to best tell the search engines what you’re there to be found for and to show them why you should be ranked well. Things to consider:

  • Onsite Optimisation  – Getting your website best set up to get found for your keywords.
  • Offsite Optimisation – Getting votes from out there in the internet world to tell the search engines why your site is authoritative on the subject.
  • User Experience – Does the user have a good experience when they visit your site? Or are they likely to land and quickly leave?

A business that is not focused on SEO will miss out if they don’t use an agency for their SEO services or have someone in-house at least dedicated to SEO orientated activities may find themselves in trouble. Like in any industry or any race, it’s hard to make it to the top and at times it may almost feel impossible. Once you get up there, it’s just as hard or even harder to maintain your position. Similarly, the same could be said for those when it comes to Search Engine Optimisation. It’s a hard slog to make it to first page and to stay there may take as much or even more hard work.

Search engines are known to constantly update their search algorithms with some advertised and some kept under wraps meaning that ranks are always under scrutiny. The other challenge comes from competitors. It is very easy for someone to rank well in SERPs and get complacent. Just because you rank well today, doesn’t mean you will rank well tomorrow.

SEO Frequently Asked Questions

Search Engine Optimisation is the practice of optimising a website to increase organic website traffic from users of search engines. 

Organic traffic are the visitors to your website that have found you through searching in a search engine platform like Google or Bing and have visited as a result of your website being displayed without having to pay per click (e.g. Google Ads where advertisers pay per click)

Organic traffic is important as organic visitors are very specifically targeted. If you are trying to share information, the search engine can direct traffic to your blog. If you are trying to sell products, the search engine can take users straight to the product to make a decision and purchase. 

Search Engine Optimisatoin aims to bring the right user to your website as we want a search engine to result our website if a user is searching for us by keywords or relevant phrases. 

SEO is like a marathon and is not a set and forget. There are 10 positions available on the first page that everyone wants to get to and those up there are most likely employing an agency or someone in house to manage their SEO. 

If you are ranking well and decide to put a hold on your SEO activities, your website will not disappear off the face off search engines immediately (in most cases) but you may find your rankings fall backwards as your competition progresses and getting back up there may be climbing a steep hill. 

As we like to say:

If You’re Not Online It’s Like You Don’t Exist

So what's the point of having a website if no one visits? If you have a blog, a business website, you're selling products online or building a brand then you want targeted SEO organic traffic. Search engines like Google want to result whats best for the user and we want to give Google every reason to make us one of the top results.

As a rule of thumb, 6 months is when SEO starts showing results. There are a number of factors that come to play which will have an impact. There are some websites that we have ranked within a month or two and some which may take even up to a year. 

There is a misconception that picking packages with agencies means getting more keywords. Search Engine Optimisation is the art of obtaining targeted and relevant traffic by creating great content and optimising both on and off your website. 

Having said that, providing a number of keywords per package is generally a good way to monitor and identify areas to improve. We target those keywords but also remember that we are looking for relevant and related keywords and phrases to attract our organic visitors. 

When considering how many keywords to implement, we use a range of SEO tools to identify keywords and the anticipated difficulty to rank. We will then consult with you to determine how many and which keywords to target which are greatly influenced on by your goals and budgets. 

Search Engine Optimisation does not have a fixed cost. Every website and industry is different so we encourage you to talk to us first so that we can understand your business and goals which will help us determine a budget to work with.